Emeritus Faculty
Bio ItemEugene Cliff , bio
Professor Emeritus
Bio ItemWayne Durham , bio
Professor Emeritus, durham@vt.edu
Bio ItemBernard Grossman , bio
Professor Emeritus
Bio ItemEric Johnson , bio
Professor Emeritus
Bio ItemJames Marchman , bio
Professor Emeritus, marchman@vt.edu
Bio ItemWayne Neu , bio
Associate Professor, (540) 231-7061, neu@vt.edu
Bio ItemJoseph Schetz , bio
Joseph Schetz is a faculty member in the Kevin T. Crofton Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering.
Bio ItemRoger Simpson , bio
Professor Emeritus, (540) 231-5989, rosimpso@vt.edu
Bio ItemRobert Walters , bio
Professor Emeritus, rwalters@vt.edu