Degrees & certificates

The department’s unique blend of aerospace engineering and ocean engineering capitalizes on the commonalities in the design and analysis of vehicles and structures that travel through space and across oceans and skies.
The Kevin T. Crofton Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering offers:
Ph.D. in aerospace engineering with seven discipline areas:
- Aero-hydrodynamics
- Dynamics and control
- Structures and structural dynamics
- Ocean engineering
- Applied physics
- Space engineering
- Applied mathematics
Students with non-engineering backgrounds
Requirements for degrees focusing on applied physics, space engineering, and applied mathematics differ slightly from those of other specializations—some required courses from the aerospace and ocean engineering department are replaced with courses from physics, electrical and computer engineering, or mathematics.
These programs are tailored for students who do not have a background in engineering and are interested in applying their skills to solving aerospace problems. Interaction with disciplines outside the usual engineering environment results in new approaches to analyzing and solving problems.