Majoring in aerospace engineering
Aerospace engineering is the design, construction, and science of vehicles that fly through air and space. It is through the craft of aerospace engineering that humanity has revolutionized transportation on Earth, landed on the moon, and then reached beyond it to the stars.
AOE undergraduates who major in aerospace engineering have the flexibility to tailor their degrees to their interest. They have the ability to mix and match courses from nine Technical Tracks, which spans the core areas in both aerospace and ocean engineering. Students are required to take a minimum of 9 credits from one of the approved Technical Tracks.

Collaborative learning
Aerospace engineering design courses use the group design process to both better simulate the way design is done in the real world and promote the benefits of collaborative learning.
By designing in groups, aerospace engineering majors learn to build on one another's strengths, work with others toward a single goal, and make the compromises needed to optimize a good design into an award-winning design.