William Oberkampf
Adjunct Faculty
- PhD., 1970, Aerospace Engineering, University of Notre Dame
- M.S., 1968, Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas – Austin
- B.S., 1966, Aerospace Engineering, University of Notre Dame

5112 Hidden Springs Trail
Georgetown, TX 78633
Georgetown, TX 78633
- Verification and validation methodology in computational simulation
- Uncertainty estimation in modeling and simulation
- Probabilistic risk assessment of engineering systems
- Maturity assessment of computational simulation
- Computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer
- Experimental fluid dynamics
- Subsonic, transonic, supersonic, and hypersonic aerodynamics
- Experimental measurement uncertainty estimation
- Low and high-speed wind tunnel validation experiments
- Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2004-present
- Member, Publications Committee, 2000-present
- Chair, Publication Ethical Standards Subcommittee, 2008-present
- Member, Computational Fluid Dynamics Committee on Standards, 1995-present
- Member, 1963-present
- Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1977-present
- Founding Member, Committee on Verification and Validation in Computational Solid Mechanics, 2000-present
- Member, The International Association for the Engineering Modelling, Analysis & Simulation Community, NAFEMS, 2012-present
- Editorial Board, Reliability Engineering and System Safety Journal, 2017-present
- Short course instructor, 1979-present
- Reviewer for many journals and government agencies, 1970-present
- AIAA Fellow, elected 2004 – present
- AIAA Sustained Service Award, 2008
- University of Notre Dame, College of Engineering, 2008 Engineering Graduate Honor Award
- Lockheed Martin Corporation, NOVA Award for “Space Shuttle Columbia Accident Investigation Team,” 2004
- Sandia National Laboratories, Awards for Excellence, 1993, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2004
- AIAA Space Shuttle Challenger Flag Award for outstanding contributions, 1984
- Best Paper Award, 8th National Thermal Spray Conference, Houston, TX, 1995
- Best Paper Award, 9th National Thermal Spray Conference, Cincinnati, OH, 1996
- Air Force Systems Command/Naval Material Command Award for Technical Achievement in Basic Research, 1978
- University of Texas – Austin, Engineering Foundation Award for Teaching and Research, 1976
- 2008-present, engineering consultant
- US Air Force, NASA, and Dept. of Energy
- Corporations in the US and Europe
- 1979-2007, Sandia National Laboratories
- 1999-2007, Distinguished Member Technical Staff, Validation and Uncertainty Estimation Department
- 1991-1999, Senior Member Technical Staff, Aerodynamics Department
- 1986-1991, Division Supervisor, Computational Aerodynamics Department
- 1979-1986, Member Technical Staff, Aeroballistics Division
- 1970-1979, The University of Texas-Austin
- 1977-1979, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department
- 1970-1976, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department