• Dr. Earl Duque
  • Intelligent Light
  • Holden Auditorium (Room 112)
  • 4:00 p.m.
  • Faculty Host: Dr. Eric Paterson

Accelerating the Post-Processing of Large Scale Unsteady CFD Applications via In Situ Data Reduction and Extracts
By: Dr. Earl P.N. Duque
Manager of the Applied Research Group, Intelligent Light
Rutherford, NJ

Abstract: Writing, storing, moving and post-processing vast unsteady datasets can interfere with an engineer’s interpretation and reporting of results. This seminar will present ongoing research to develop new methods designed to extract and reduce large unsteady CFD derived volumetric data. In-Situ data extraction whereby sub-setting and segmenting the volume data using data extraction and analysis libraries directly integrated within the solver codes themselves is the first step. To further reduce the amount of unsteady CFD extract data written to disk, methods such as Proper Orthogonal Decomposition may be used to reconstruct the solution data within a given error band.  This seminar will present preliminary research and how CFD practitioners can use these techniques to analyze their large-scale CFD solutions.