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Policy 91

Satisfactory Progress Towards Degree

University Policy 91 (No. 6305) outlines university-wide minimum criteria to determine if students are making satisfactory progree towards the completion of their degrees.  The AOE Department fully supports this policy.

Specific expectations for satisfactory progress for AE majors and OE majors are as follows:

  • Each student must meet the minimum University-wide criteria as described in Policy 91 and summarized in the Undergraduate Catalog.
  • A student must have at least 2.0 overall and in-major GPAs.  The in-major GPA consists of all courses taken under the AOE designation.

Policy 91 Probation: Students who do not meet the criteria above will be placed on Policy 91 probation with AOE and be required to meet with their academic advisor to develop a contract for the semester.  At the end of a semester on Policy 91 probation, students who have met the criteria outlined above will have their probation lifted and regain good standing with the department.  Students who have not met the criteria above, or the specific terms outlined in their contract, will be removed from AOE.

Policy 91 Removal:  Students removed from AOE through Policy 91 must change their major in order to continue taking courses at Virginia Tech.  To change their major, students must meet the entrance requirements for a new College of Engineering major or major for a different Virginia Tech college.